
Graduate School of Science and Engineering : Information and Computer Science (Laboratories : Intelligent Information Processing Laboratory)

Intelligent Information Processing Laboratory

Website of the Laboratory 【In Japanese】

We are aiming to development of commonsense association system in Japanese


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WATABE Hirokazu

Acceptable course
Master's degree course
Doctoral degree course

Telephone : +81-774-65-6946
Office : KC-211
Database of Researchers

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Acceptable course
Master's degree course
Doctoral degree course

Telephone : +81-774-65-6948
Office : KC-213
Database of Researchers

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FUJITA Tomohiro
[Assistant Professor]

Acceptable course
Master's degree course
Doctoral degree course

Telephone : +81-774-65-6695
Office : KC-213
Database of Researchers

Research Topics

<1> Research on concept base automatic construction/refinement methods
Automatically extract various concepts from Japanese electronic dictionaries and web information, construct a concept base of over 200,000 Japanese words, and automatically refine it.

<2> Research methods to quantify the degree of association between concepts
From the correlation of meanings of Japanese words defined by the concept base, make it possible to quantify the relationship between concepts and associate and recall them.

<3> Methods to implement a common-sense judgment mechanism for time/location
Make natural conversations for Japanese possible by implementing a common-sense judgment mechanism for seasons, time, and location.

<4> Methods to implement a common-sense judgment mechanism for emotions/senses
Make natural conversations for Japanese possible by implementing a common-sense judgment mechanism that feels happiness, sadness, or the beauty of sunset.

<5> Research on intelligent conversation mechanism
Make natural conversations for Japanese with humans, like greetings and small talk, possible while understanding the meaning of speech with intention understanding and common-sense judgment.

Research Contents

Research to make computers intelligent is important for the advancement of information technology in the 21st century. In this research laboratory, our goal is to implement intelligent computers that can appropriately pick up on people’s intentions and to advance research on intelligent mechanisms that are the basis of that goal. To implement intelligent computers, we must develop mechanisms that can make common-sense judgments like humans such as judging amounts (big, small, etc.), time, and locations, and emotional/sensory judgments such as emotions and the five senses; judgments that are logical relationships with language concepts. The association mechanism implemented by measuring the degree of association with the concept base plays a particularly important role.


  • Knowledge processing in Japanese
  • Common sense judgment in Japanese
  • Association system in Japanese
  • Natural language processing in Japanese