Co-Learning Program

Cooperative Learning with Japanese Students
All Doshisha Co-Learning Program was launched from 2018 Academic Year, aiming at promoting
interaction between Japanese students and International students.
This program is based on a student-centered learning approach known as Problem/ Project Based Learning (PBL). It
consists of Japanese students who wish to study abroad and International Science and Technology Course (ISTC) students
who wish to learn more about Japan.
The participants try to identify and examine real problems in everyday life, then work together to address
and solve those problems.
There are various benefits for both Japanese and ISTC students through this program. Japanese students will make a
connection with ISTC students and get information from them for studying abroad. They can learn English and other
foreign languages as well. On the other hand, ISTC students will have opportunities to understand Japanese culture,
society, and companies while learning Japanese language.
The students will need to acquire high level of English proficiency and global mindset for
active participation in global society. Therefore, Co-Learning Program aims to enhance the students’ abilities and
skills as below:
[Goals and expected acquirement of competences through this program]
・Global mindset
① Global vision
② Respect for diversity
③ Intercultural understanding
・Fundamental competencies for working persons
① Ability to step forward (Action)
② Ability to think through (Thinking)
③ Ability to work in a team (Teamwork)
The concept of Co-Learning Program is “Non sibi (Latin)” = “Not for self”. This is the essential for nurturing a
global mind. The students will find issues to be addressed both for Japanese and ISTC students, and also for the
benefits of Doshisha University, the alumni of the University, the future students of Science and Engineering, and
local communities. They will identify the task, make a plan, consider and practice it.
Participation in Co-leraning Program
Program details for AY2024 have not been determined yet.
Details will be announced after they are finalized.
Project List of Co-Learning Program by Academic Year(AY)
About the project, planning application, and achievement report are disclosed by Academic Year(AY).
The project of (AY)2022 >> click here
The project of (AY)2021 >> click here
The project of (AY)2020 >> click here
The project of (AY)2019 >> click here
The project of (AY)2018 >> click here