Graduate School of Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering
- Course Outline
- Metallic Materials Science Laboratory
- Applied Materials Engineering Laboratory
- Advanced Materials Structural Engineering Laboratory
- Spray and Combustion Science Laboratory
- Heat Transfer Laboratory
- Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics
- Motion and Vibration Control Laboratory
- Manufacturing System and Design Laboratory
- Machine Elements and Tribology Laboratory
- Applied and Engineering Mathematics
- Physics Laboratory
Metallic Materials Science Laboratory
Website of the Laboratory 【Currently not available】Explore the new materials through materials processing

Acceptable course | |
Master's degree course | ✓ |
Doctoral degree course | ✓ |
Telephone : +81-774-65-6406
Office : YM-125
Database of Researchers

YUASA Motohiro
[Associate Professor]
Acceptable course | |
Master's degree course | ✓ |
Doctoral degree course |
Telephone : +81-774-65-7078
Office : YM-122
Database of Researchers
Research Topics
- Mechanical properties of ultrafine grained materials fabricated by severe plastic deformation.
- Fabrication of nanocrystalline metal matrix composite by electrodepostion
- Studies on properties of grain boundaries by model bicrystal
- New magnesium with Mile-feuille structures
- High-entropy alloys
Research Contents
Metallic materials are generally polycrystalline materials consisting of many grains with a different crystallographic orientation. Our research group is focusing on the grain boundaries related phenomena such as grain boundary corrosion, intergranular fracture and grain boundary sliding. Furthermore, we intensely studies severe plastic deformation technique as a method to produce ultrafine grain materials with an average grain size smaller than one micron. Recently, we started researches of new materials such as magnesium alloys with mille-feuille structures and high-entropy alloys (HEA).Following are our main themes.
I. Studies on Grain Boundary Structures and Related Phenomena
- Studies on corrosion fatigue of high-purity copper bicrystals
- Characterization of grain boundary in segregated bicrystals
II. Materials Science of mille-feuille structures
- Mechanical properties of high-strength magnesium alloys with mille-feuille structures.
- Introduction of kink-banding in magnesium alloys by severe plastic deformation.
III. Ultrafine grain (UFG) materials by severe plastic deformation
- Corrosion behavior of UFG copper and aluminum
- Stress corrosion cracking of ultrafine grain copper and brass
- Effect of purity and stacking fault energy on the stability of ultrafine grain structures
- Properties of UFG magnesium alloys fabricated by ECAP
- Effect of tube channel pressing (TCP) on the formability of metallic tubes
IV. High-entropy alloys by mechanical milling and sintering process
- Corrosion properties of high-entropy alloys
- Effect of grain size on corrosion of high-entropy alloys
V. Fabrication and properties of nanocrystalline materials
- Properties of nanocrytalline materials processed by electrodeposition
- Fabrication of nanocrystalline metals matrix composites by electro co-deposition
- Single crystal
- Bicrysta
- Nanocrystal
- Grain boundary
- Severe plastic deformation (SPD)
- Stress corrosion cracking (SCC)
- Mille-feuille structures
- High-entropy alloys