
ALL DOSHISHA Co-Learning Program

ALL DOSHISHA Co-Learning Program (AY 2018)

Project List of Co-Learning Program (AY 2018)

In AY 2018, 28 members (17 Japanese Students, 11 International Students) joined in this program, divided into 5 groups, and carried out their own projects through about 9 months.


Project Proposal and Achievement Report (AY 2018)

The Achivement Presentation of AY 2018 project was held at the Theater Space of Doshisha ROHM Plaza on May 24, 2019.

No Project title Planning application Achievement report
The first step to studying abroad as a science student!
Let's share the charm of the partner universities!
application.pdf[PDF 75KB] report.pdf[PDF 394KB]
final_ppt.pdf[PDF 1.1MB]
Virtual laboratory experience by PVP
~To show the charm of ISTC to the world~
application.pdf[PDF 112KB] report.pdf[PDF 136KB]
final_ppt.pdf[PDF 5.2MB]
Let's visit and learn a traditional craft work in Kyoto from a view of chemistry and engineering application.pdf[PDF 298KB] report.pdf[PDF 202KB]
final_ppt.pdf[PDF 2.3MB]
Search other side of Shinkansen application.pdf[PDF 135KB] report.pdf[PDF 187KB]
final_ppt.pdf[PDF 7.3MB]
“English-based career orientation seminar for international students” application.pdf[PDF 246KB] 1st_seminar.pdf[PDF 290KB]
2nd_Seminar.pdf[PDF 237KB]
final_ppt.pdf[PDF 2.7MB]

Project Outcomes and Student Activities (AY 2018)

①The first step to studying abroad as a science student! Let's share the charm of the partner universities!


Video interview with
(École Centrale de Lille, France)


Video interview with
Yohei Nagano
(Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering)

②Virtual laboratory experience by PVP ~To show the charm of ISTC to the world~


↑Click the banner to see PVP (Panorama View Promotion).

③Let's visit and learn a traditional craftwork in Kyoto from a view of chemistry and engineering

④Search other side of Shinkansen

⑤“Enlighs-based career orientation seminar for international students”